Friday, May 27, 2011

Assignment 13:

I like this photo because there is a use of layers and vertical lines.

The child's eyes and  the woman's had are both framd within the window. I also like how the rain adds a certain feeling of loss in the photo.

I like this photo for its complicated simplicity and the subject's bright white eyes.

This portrait uses more than one subject and the girl is showing dominance.

I this portrait because it tells a story.

This picture uses different objects to tell the story of the girl. It shows that she is a writer.

I like how this picture uses a large backgound and little is shown of the subject. The simplicity of the photo makes the subject stand out.

This picture is exciting because the use of the snake makes the people who see the picture feel scared or worried. It brings out emotion from people.

The lines and the use of the random foot in this picture make the picture fun to look at.

I like how unique this photo is. Because the man's style it makes you realize all the different cultures in the world.

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