Thursday, May 26, 2011

Assignment 10:

After watching the National Geographic film on photography, we reflected on what we learned:

1. Five things that we learned/ were relearned by the film:
- You have to wait in photography sometimes for the perfect picture even though it may be frustrating.
- Lighting means a lot in a photograph.
- Look for different layers in a picture.
- Make sure the subjects don't intersect.

2. My favorite photographer from the film is Steve McCurry. I like his style of photography because there are many picture of people and his pictures show many different emotions. He also uses his photography to his advantage and captures different cultures' lifestyles.

3. My favorite photo is the one of the girl holding a little boy. They are both framed in the window of the car. I like it because it is not taken like your everyday photo.

4. Many of the photographers said that photography isn't all easy, which it true. But also, the photographers reinforced the ideas of that we have learned in photography including types of lighting ( like dramatic and natural) and also different angles.

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