Friday, May 27, 2011

Assignment 14:

My portrait uses framing, but her face is a little dark and the backgound is somewhat distracting with how bright it is. I would try to improve it by burning out the back and dogging her face out a little bit.

Assignment 12:

When taking pictures in a dramatic lighting setting and you just want to get the light of the subject and the backgroud dark you use the technique of  "going against your light meter".  You get the reading of the light meter on your camera and make the shutter speed so it is 2 faster then the original setting. Then you take the picture with it even though the light meter reading will say you don't have enough light.

Assignment 8:

I love this photo because the angle of it is much different from the everyday angles that are normally used. I also like the placement of the railing, but I think the subject's face could have been more in focus than it is.

Assignment 13:

I like this photo because there is a use of layers and vertical lines.

The child's eyes and  the woman's had are both framd within the window. I also like how the rain adds a certain feeling of loss in the photo.

I like this photo for its complicated simplicity and the subject's bright white eyes.

This portrait uses more than one subject and the girl is showing dominance.

I this portrait because it tells a story.

This picture uses different objects to tell the story of the girl. It shows that she is a writer.

I like how this picture uses a large backgound and little is shown of the subject. The simplicity of the photo makes the subject stand out.

This picture is exciting because the use of the snake makes the people who see the picture feel scared or worried. It brings out emotion from people.

The lines and the use of the random foot in this picture make the picture fun to look at.

I like how unique this photo is. Because the man's style it makes you realize all the different cultures in the world.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Assignment 11:

What makes a great portrait?

To me a great portrait means having a good angle and lighting, like in most pictures. But alos I like it when portraits are either really close up on the subject's face or when there is a big backgound that tells the story of the photograph.

Assignment 10:

After watching the National Geographic film on photography, we reflected on what we learned:

1. Five things that we learned/ were relearned by the film:
- You have to wait in photography sometimes for the perfect picture even though it may be frustrating.
- Lighting means a lot in a photograph.
- Look for different layers in a picture.
- Make sure the subjects don't intersect.

2. My favorite photographer from the film is Steve McCurry. I like his style of photography because there are many picture of people and his pictures show many different emotions. He also uses his photography to his advantage and captures different cultures' lifestyles.

3. My favorite photo is the one of the girl holding a little boy. They are both framed in the window of the car. I like it because it is not taken like your everyday photo.

4. Many of the photographers said that photography isn't all easy, which it true. But also, the photographers reinforced the ideas of that we have learned in photography including types of lighting ( like dramatic and natural) and also different angles.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Assignment 9:

I like my photo a lot, however I wish that when the positve and negative pictures lined up there would be a more interesting effect with the connecting lines. If I could improve on it I would make make the negatiave one be less burned out.