Friday, March 18, 2011

Journal Assignment 2:

Photos I would like to take:

1. Pictures of people dancing at a slow shutter speed (around 30 or so) to catch the motion.

2. Shadowed image of a musician for an interesting effect.

3. Take pictures of infants to capture their natural/non-posed young life; maybe when the baby is laughing. I would use a faster shutter speed to make the picture crisp.

4. A picture sun shinning on plants and flowers after a rainstorm (using a shallow depth of field).

5. Pictures of the Grand Canyon just for fun and the photography experience

6. Pictures taken from both above and below people to get both a softer and a dominating effect. with a slower shutter speed from above and a faster one taken from below.

7. Sunset pictures taken when the sky is redish pink.

8. People working on the potter's wheel (with a slower shutter speed to catch the motion while forming the clay)

9. Pictures of athletes during a game. I will use a fast shutter speed

10. Some sort of  more art style picture that is confusing, yet interesting. I might have a very slow shutter speed and wide aperature during the night and move the camera so that the lights in the picture create a blur.

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